One Planet
One Planet is an afterschool program whose mission is to create a dynamic learning environment that inspires and supports students in becoming compassionate global citizens and passionate lifelong learners.
HALF-DAYS: Each of our sites has a slightly different ½ day schedule. Please reach out to your Site Coordinator to get the most up-to-date ½ schedule.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please know that if the daily fee is too expensive, there are options available. As a first option, families would apply for Child Care Financial Assistance through the VT DCF. Contact the Family Place for an application at 802-649-3268 or at Should a family be denied assistance, partial and full scholarships are available through One Planet.
Blythe Bates
Blythe is the Site Coordinator for One Planet at Stockbridge Central School. After graduating from UVM with a degree in Political Science and American Literature, she worked for several years in Human Resources in Burlington and Waterbury. Blythe and her husband Graham moved back to Rochester 13 years ago (literally the day before Irene) where they live on the Park with their three cats: Martin, Monkey and Wubby.
You can reach Blythe at
Lindsey has worked at Rochester Elementary School since 2020. She was a permanent substitute, paraprofessional, and is now the PE Teacher. Lindsey is also the One Planet Site Coordinator. She loves being a part of this community. In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, playing sports, and spending time with family and friends.
You can reach Lindsey at