MaryBeth Bachman
School Nurse

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am the new School Nurse at the Rochester Stockbridge Unified School District. I have been here since February and I have enjoyed meeting your children and becoming part of this supportive community.I come with over 20 years of school nursing experience and 20 years of clinical and administrative nursing experience. The majority of my school nursing career has been in Maine, I have worked in island, urban and suburban/rural schools settings. I found each setting to be a positive and enriching system which supports education and health in their communities.The Rochester Stockbridge Unified School District Student Handbook has information regarding Health Services, immunization requirements, HealthHub Services, medication guidelines and more.  You can find this information on pages 13-16.If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child health or other health related issues, please contact me. I will be in Rochester (802-767-4632 ex. 3121) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and in Stockbridge (802-234-9248) on Tuesday and Thursday.  You can also reach me via email: mbachman@wrvsu.orgMaryBeth Bachman RN